Careers Project
In this project you are going to research everything you want and more importantly need to know about your potential future career! Find out about the pros and the cons of what you may or may not do.
On average it is estimated that Canadians have about 15 different jobs in their lifetimes and up to 3 different careers as well.
Not to sure what your future may hold? Take some of the career quizzes to see what's recommended for you!
1. Work BC quiz
2. Ontario Career Quiz
On average it is estimated that Canadians have about 15 different jobs in their lifetimes and up to 3 different careers as well.
Not to sure what your future may hold? Take some of the career quizzes to see what's recommended for you!
1. Work BC quiz
2. Ontario Career Quiz
Career Research Outline, Poster & Presentation Project
Draft & Poster: Using the information you have compiled you will create a poster. The poster will focus on the following important aspects:
Educational requirements
o What kind of degree is required for this career?
o How many years of school?
o What are good colleges to attend for this career?
Required Skills
o What skills does the career require?
o Can the skills needed be learned while working or do they need to
already be present in the worker?
o What is the annual salary or hourly rate?
o Does it stay the same or does it increase annually?
o What is the least you could make? Most?
o Does education make a difference in salary?
Job Description/Type of Work
o What things/activities is one working in the career most likely to do?
Job Duties
o What tasks need to be done by someone working in this career?
o What hours/days are required to work?
o Where is someone working in this career most likely?
o Is this work done inside or outdoors?
Job Benefits
o What are the benefits of this career?
o Job Drawbacks
o What are some things that may not be so great about the career?
Draft & Poster: Using the information you have compiled you will create a poster. The poster will focus on the following important aspects:
Educational requirements
o What kind of degree is required for this career?
o How many years of school?
o What are good colleges to attend for this career?
Required Skills
o What skills does the career require?
o Can the skills needed be learned while working or do they need to
already be present in the worker?
o What is the annual salary or hourly rate?
o Does it stay the same or does it increase annually?
o What is the least you could make? Most?
o Does education make a difference in salary?
Job Description/Type of Work
o What things/activities is one working in the career most likely to do?
Job Duties
o What tasks need to be done by someone working in this career?
o What hours/days are required to work?
o Where is someone working in this career most likely?
o Is this work done inside or outdoors?
Job Benefits
o What are the benefits of this career?
o Job Drawbacks
o What are some things that may not be so great about the career?
Marking Rubric Content (4 points):
- Educational requirement
- Required Skills
- Salary
- Job Duties
- Job description/ Type of Work
- Job Benefits
- Job Drawbacks
- Spelling, grammar, syntax, & punctuation
- Headings present
- Title Present
- neatness
- use of color/ theme
- use of whole board
- relevant pictures /objects
- relevant charts / data
- See Oral Presentation Rubric